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  • Camovis Nature Drops 50ml -5%

Camovis Nature Drops 50ml

16.15€ 17.00€
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Food supplement based on plant extracts, adjuvant in all stress-related psychosomatizations of the gastrointestinal system (spastic colon disease, irritable colon, aerophagia, intestinal meteorism), has an enterospasmolytic action, regulating intestinal mobility, antiphlogistic and normalizing cortical-hypothalamus dysrhythmias. pituitary; reduces intestinal gas, eliminating the spasm of intestinal muscles; it is useful in the alteration of intestinal peristalsi: constipation, diarrhea. In gastric dyspepsia, ulcers, etc. promotes the restoration of the balance between aggressive and protective factors of the intestinal mucosa. It acts effectively as a soothing in case of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also an excellent mesenchymal drainage and immune activator.
Gentiana lutea L. radix (Genzianaradice)
Tonic-bitter-aperitif. Among the active ingredients we find many bitter substances, including the gentiopicroside (gentiopicrin) which is the quantitatively most important component. Then we find sverziamarina and amarogentina, an acylated glycoside. This, although present in modest percentages, is the qualitatively decisive component thanks to its bitterness index: 58,000,000. These, and other bitter principles, give the plant its characteristic bitter sour taste which also retains a 1: 12,000 dilution. Gentiana lutea increases salivary secretion, gastric diacid production and biliary secretion. Among its properties we remember the eupeptic and the bitter-scialagogue that derive from the stimulation, in the cephalic phase, of the gustatory nerves. It is used with good results in meteorism, intestinal parasites, postprandial somnolence and gastric hyposecretion.
Anthemis nobilis L. Flos (Roman chamomile flowers)
The main properties that interest us in this case are: spasmolytic, hypnotic, sedative due, mainly, to apigenin and its derivatives. It performs the following functions: protection of the mucous membranes, facilitates their healing in case of exfoliation or abrasion, antitoxic drainage.
Raphanus niger radix (Black root radish)
It contains strong concentrations of the trace element sulfur, which gives the plant an enzymatic activation action at the level of the hepatocyte (thanks to the spasmolytic action on the smooth muscle of the biliary tract), as well as a cholecystokinetic activity: it is therefore indicated in the lithiasibiliary forms, but also in arthritic and urticarial manifestations (causing an increase in diuresis).
Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. ramulus novus (Cranberry young shoots)
It is a valuable remedy for all ailments affecting the colon, including disorders of the bacterial flora and psychophysical consequences. Functional biphasic regulating action, stimulating and toning the colon in case of inertia, i.e. with colitis associated with constipation, and acting in a sedative and spasmolytic sense. in case of hypertonia or in the presence of a spasmodic colon, with diarrheal or alternating manifestations. Through the normalization of the colonic metabolism, the absorption of essential nutrients is improved. It has a reticulohistocytic action and is therefore able to stimulate the immune system. It is the elective remedy of the biological decompensation of the "ground" which manifests itself with phenomena of tissue Latinization at all levels.
Ficus carica L. Turio (Fig buds)
It drains the nervous system and is the phytotherapic for maintaining homeostasis and psycho-biological rhythms. It has diencephalic, antidistonic, antispasmodic and sedative properties of the autonomic nervous system, with particular retropism for the pituitary-hypothalamic cortical axis. It regulates the thymic functions and the discrepancies between the psyche and the organism, which act inexorably through turbeneurovegetative. For these, the intervention of ficus carica is essential regardless of the clinical or constitutional context. Ficus carica, in association with Cranberry, plays an important role in rebalancing the diatonic soil. It is an indispensable remedy for allergic reactions, somatic localizations of all psychological perturbations (including reactions from the external environment), affective, emotional and nervous erethism, such as irritation and disturbances of the colon's motility, to the point of extending its beneficial action to gastro-duodenal disturbances. It has a healing action on eroded mucous membranes. Its enzymatic action blocks all metabolisms: protidic, through papain-type proteases; carbohydrate through amylases, lipid through lipodiastases. At the gastrointestinal level, Figus carica has an elective tropism for the stomach, duodenum and autonomic system and exerts an antispasmodic pharmacological action, subsequently sedative and mildly narcotic.
Zyzyphus jujuba (Jujube)
It has a purifying, analgesic and healing action. The presence of flavonoids determines a sedative action.

per daily dose
Ficus carica (turio) fluid extract 0.7 ml
Vaccinum vitisidea (buds) hydroglycerol-alcoholic solution 0.5 ml
Anthemis nobilis (leaves) fluid extract 0.4 ml
Gentiana lutea (root) fluid extract 0.1 ml
Raphanus niger (root) fluid extract 0.1 ml
Zyzyphus jujuba dry extract 0.14 ml
Fumaria officinalis fluid extract 0.06 ml

How to use
35/50 drops 3 times a day before meals (acute) 20 drops 2 times a day before meals (chronic).

Do not take during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
For children it is recommended to seek medical advice.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Keep out of the reach of children under three years of age.
Supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet.
The product contains L-phenylanine and is therefore contraindicated in cases of diphenylketonuria.

Drops 50 ml