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  • Ceva Adaptil Junior Adjustable Collar -29%

Ceva Adaptil Junior Adjustable Collar

27.51€ 38.60€
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Adaptil Junior

Adjustable Collar

The new collar of the Adaptil line that helps puppies to learn and adapt to new situations
Adoption is a challenging time for puppies as they face various difficulties such as separation from their mother, a new home, being alone and more. According to a recent research, about 67% of dogs are adopted as a puppy and owners have a high propensity to spend making this segment commercially attractive.

Adaptil Junior releases "reassuring messages" (scientifically known as dog pheromones) such as those released by the mother to calm and reassure her new puppies.

Adaptil Junior is indicated from the moment of adoption up to the 6th month of age to reassure the puppy in the following situations:

Weeping and lamenting at night
Fears of loud noises
Stay home alone
Socialization / education