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Ddm Chiro 30 tablets

35.06€ 41.24€
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Ddm chiro 30 tablets what is it for?

This product is a food supplement indicated for polycystic ovary syndrome, thanks to its mix of components it can be very effective.
Folic acid
It is indicated in the prevention of some congenital defects; decreases the risk of neuronal tube defects and possibly other congenital malformations.

How does this product act on this issue?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOs) is a disease that affects about 5-10% of the female population of childbearing age and is the most common cause of gestational diabetes and infertility in women. This condition manifests itself as early as the adolescent period with menstrual cycle irregularities, metabolic and endocrinological alterations.
Typical clinical manifestations of PCOs include:
- Ovaries enlarged and filled with cysts;
- Obligation or anovularity (lack or reduction of ovulation);
-Hyperandrogenism (increased production of male sex hormones);
Insulin resistance (a reduced sensitivity of peripheral cells to the hormonal stimulus of insulin) and hyperinsulinimism (excessive production of insulin due to insulin resistance);
- Overweight and obesity;
- Metabolic Syndrome, that is a condition in which there is the co-presence of at least three of these different risk factors: hypertension, large waistline, high levels of triglycerides in the blood, low levels of HDL cholesterol (the "good cholesterol"), fasting blood glucose above limits.
-Alopecia (reduction in the quality and quantity of hair);
-Irsutism (abnormal presence in women of hair in some areas of the body such as the chin, abdomen, back and upper lip).
Furthermore, patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (particularly obese) often have a folic acid and vitamin D3 deficiency and high circulating levels of homocysteine (and this is considered an important cardiovascular risk factor).
To effectively treat this pathology, it is necessary to act on several fronts: change diet and exercise, use insulin-sensitizing drugs, antiandrogens and follow estrogen-progestin therapy.
Recent studies have highlighted a new molecule that seems to play a key role in this pathology: D-chiro-inositol.
D-chiro-inositol (also called DCI) is a sugar belonging to the inositol family, produced in our body from glucose and involved in the response of cells to the signal given by insulin, a hormone that reduces circulating levels of glucose stimulating its uptake by peripheral cells.
Patients with PCOs have lower DCI values than healthy women and this determines a reduction in the sensitivity of peripheral cells to the signal given by insulin (insulin resistance) and, consequently, an increase in the production by the pancreas of insulin, in order to cope with the non-response of cells to this hormone. The hyperproduced insulin in turn acts on the ovaries stimulating them to produce androgens excessively and this determines the onset of polycystic ovary syndrome.
It has been shown that oral administration of D-chiro-inositol, or its precursor (myo-inositol), in obese patients with PCOs results in a substantial improvement in the glycolipid profile with a reduction in triglycerides, a decrease in insulin levels and testosterone (up to 50%) and a decrease in blood pressure. Furthermore, 19 of the 22 patients treated with this sugar ovulated in the observation period (6-8 weeks) compared to 6 of 22 treated with placebo.
In the light of these studies, Ddm Chiro was born.
Ddm Chiro is a food supplement based on D-chiro-inositol, folic acid, vitamin D3 and zinc, specifically produced to provide valuable help to women with polycystic ovary syndrome, in order to counteract the disorders that are often associated to this pathology such as: oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea, infertility, hirsutism, acne and alterations in the profile of lipids and carbohydrates.
Ddm Chiro does not contain gluten, lactose or GMOs.

Ingredients contained in ddm chiro 30 tablets
D-quino-inositol; bulking agents: microcrystalline cellulose; calcium phosphate; coating agents: shellac; hydroxypropylmeticellulose; titanium dioxide; stearic acid; Arabic gum; anti-caking agents: vegetable magnesium stearate; silicon dioxide; zinc glucose; folic acid; vitamin D3.

How to use
In women with BMI (Body Mass Index) less than 25 it is recommended to take one tablet a day; if the BMI exceeds the value of 25 it is recommended to take Ddm Chiro two tablets a day, the product should always be taken accompanied with a glass of still water at room temperature drunk in small sips.

Do not take other products (drugs or dietetic) containing Vitamin D.
Supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet. Keep out of the reach of children under three years of age. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. For pregnant or lactating women and children, it is recommended to seek medical advice.

Nutritional characteristics of the product

1 tablet
% RDA *
15 /
Folic acid 400 mg
10 µg

* RDA = percentage of the recommended daily allowance value.

Format and storage
The product is sold in packs of 30 ready-to-use tablets, it is important to store the product in a cool place away from sources of heat and humidity.


- Hendler S., Rorvik D., Physicians'Desk Reference, Cec Editore, 2010.