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  • Dimopharma Lactomur Line Food Supplement 100g -15%

Dimopharma Lactomur Line Food Supplement 100g

16.15€ 19.00€
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Dimopharma line


Dietary supplement

LACTOMUR (The Constitutional Mineral Salts)

Polimineral-Probiotic-Energy Supplement based on Live Lactic Ferments, Lithotamnum, Rice Starch.

It is basically a probiotic-oligometallotherapy that:

acts as a remineralizer in case of possible mineral deficiency;
acts as a dechelanting agent of inactivated metal ions: a blocked metal ion (chelate) can no longer perform its functions; there are many chelating substances (drugs, preservatives, dyes, various chemical pollutants, smoke);
acts as a modulator of enzymatic activity: a trace element increases the speed of enzymatic reaction of metabolic functions slowed down by deficiency or chelation of specific coenzymes;
acts as a Probiotic;
acts as an acid-base regulator and therefore rebalances the intestinal, urinary, blood and tissue pH;

Useful in the presence of growth retardation, rickets, thinness, osteoporosis, fractures, kyphosis, scoliosis, dental caries, calcic lithiasis, lymphatism, lack of appetite, anemia, irritability, stress, surmenage, psycho-physical asthenia, parasitosis, dysbiosis, gastritis, ulcer , Fermentations.

Particularly indicated in the deficiencies of the infant, the child, the convalescent, the elderly, menopausal women and pregnant or breastfeeding women; taken during pregnancy, in addition to preventing deficiency phenomena, it promotes the development of the fetus.