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Echitos Spraynac

Echitos Spraynac with the active ingredients contained in Calendula and Erisimo extract favor an emollient and soothing effect of the oropharyngeal mucosa, Mallow acts instead on the fluidity of bronchial secretions. With Eucalyptus essential oil with balsamic effect and Mint essential oil useful for the functionality of the upper respiratory tract.

Glycerol, Water, Calendula (Calendula officinalis L. capitula) leaf extract, Erisimo (Sisymbrium officinale Scop. summitas c. floribus) leaf extract, N-Acetylcysteine, Mallow (Malva sylvestris L. flos, folium) dry extract, Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globus Labill aetheroleum), Mint (Peppermint L. aetheroleum). Acidity regulator: Sodium hydroxide. Preservatives: Potassium sorbate. Sweetener: Steviol glycosides (from Stevia rebaudiana leaves).

Nutritional characteristics
5 g (extract) Eucalyptus essential oil Peppermint essential oil
Herbal component supply Content per 100ml Per maximum daily dose (2 ml)
Calendula leaf extract 10g(extract) 200mg (extract)
Hedge mustard leaf extract 10 g (extract) 200mg(extract)
N-acetylcysteine 5g 100mg
Mallow dry extract 100mg (extract)
0.5 g (essential oil) 10mg (essential oil)
0.3 g (essential oil) 6 mg (essential oil)

How to use
It is recommended to take 0.5 ml (by pressing the appropriate 0.1 ml measuring cup 5 times) 4 times a day. Shake before using. The possible presence of residue on the bottom is an indication of the presence of plant extracts and their natural behaviour.

Keep out of the reach of children under three years of age. Do not exceed the maximum recommended daily dose. The supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet but should be used as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding is not recommended. Do not administer to children under three years of age.

Store in a cool, dry place, protected from light and away from heat sources.
Validity with intact packaging: 36 months.


Code LEC05