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Espace Ad Mouthpiece Magenta 1 Piece

24.37€ 30.90€
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Sealing chamber with valve that helps to use metered dose inhaler (MDI). It allows to improve the efficacy of drug administration in the lungs by reducing side effects.

Dosage and method of use
1 - before use, carefully examine the product verifying that it is assembled correctly and that there are no foreign bodies or missing components. Remove any foreign bodies before use;
2 - before use, read the instructions supplied with the MDI. Remove the cover from the MDI;
3 - introduce the MDI into the fund;
4 - put the mouthpiece in your mouth and hold it between your lips;
5 - press the MDI and slowly inhale through the mouth. Keep the mouthpiece in the mouth with lips snugly together for at least 5 breaths after pressing the inhaler. During inspiration from the openings on the bottom, air enters which facilitates the inhalation of the nebulizer. The exhaled air exits through the exhalation valve;
6 - wait 30 seconds before administering another dose of drug (repeat steps 4-5), or as directed by your doctor. Administer only one puff of medication per time and follow your doctor's dosage instructions.

The product does not contain latex.

Cleaning instructions
if the device is always used by the same person, clean it as indicated. If the device is used by more than one person, in addition to cleaning, it is also necessary to sterilize it in an autoclave at 121 ° C for 15 minutes after each use. The device can be sterilized without compromising its functional characteristics up to 20 times, after which it must be replaced. If deemed appropriate, for a thorough cleaning, you can boil the device or wash it in the dishwasher.
A - the product should be cleaned following the following instructions before first use and then at least once a week: remove primer and mask;
B - leave the parts to soak for 15 minutes in lukewarm water with neutral detergent with disinfectant action. Gently shake;
C - rinse in clean water;
D - shake to remove excess water as shown. Do not use drycloths to dry the parts of the device. Make sure the parts are dry before reassembling them;
E - put the bottom and the mask back in place when the parts are completely dry and ready to use. Center the alignment arrow on the rear component with the alignment notch on the body as shown.

Replace the product if there is a damaged component. Some components due to their size could be swallowed by children. Do not leave these components unattended. The presence of an adult is always required. Do not disassemble the product beyond what is indicated in the cleaning instructions. In case of doubt on the use of the product, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Clean the product only as directed in these instructions to ensure its effective operation.

When not in use, store the product in a clean container.
Replace the product after 24 months of continuous use.

Magenta background format : mouthpiece.

Code 471350