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  • Forvit FV-5 Olygold Bio Food Zn Cu (Copper Zinc) Food Supplement 50ml -5%

Forvit FV-5 Olygold Bio Food Zn Cu (Copper Zinc) Food Supplement 50ml

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FV-5 Olygold Bio Food Zn Cu (Copper Zinc)

Dietary supplement

What are Trace Elements

The term derives from the Greek oligos (little). They are in fact present in our organism and in all living matter in very small quantities, so much so that the Anglo-Saxons call them "trace-elements", ie elements present in traces. Despite their very limited presence, trace elements are of enormous importance; in fact, although they represent less than 1% of the structural elements in living organisms (man / animal), they are fundamental for the activation and maintenance of certain biological transformation processes. The biological importance of trace elements is not related to their weight; to reactivate certain biological processes it takes a few elementary atomic units (from 1 to 10 atoms). A lack of trace elements in our diet, their bad absorption or use, can produce disorders and imbalances of various kinds as indicated in the studies of Dr. Jacques Menetrier. Trace elements are food substances, and their intake with the diet in an appropriate form, that is highly bioavailable, is important.

Why gluconates

Organic salts offer various advantages, they have a mixed water / fat solubility, therefore a guarantee of good absorption and easy ionizability. Gluconic acid is used to manufacture the vast majority of biocatalysts preparations, the first derivative of glucose metabolism, it is the physiological monosaccharide par excellence. Glucose, as we know, is one of the most used materials by the body, and its role is not limited to essential metabolisms. Gluconates are easily broken down, releasing metal catalysts and providing the body with a tool to improve its detoxification. Studies have shown that trace elements in gluconate solution offer the highest degree of assimilation compared to other derived forms. The intake must be carried out perlingually, which is the optimal form of consumption.

Perlingual absorption

It is the most used route of intake; all trace elements can be consumed in this way, which is always welcome both for its practicality and for the fact that gluconates have a pleasant taste. It is sufficient to keep the liquid in the mouth for one or two minutes, preferably under the tongue, so that the active elements are assimilated effectively. The best time to take trace elements is in the morning on an empty stomach, or before or away from meals.

Product features

Olygold is a line of trace elements in drops with particular characteristics capable of responding to specific needs:

1 The presence of the biocatalyst elements (metals) is in the ionic state, that is, the active form to be captured by the organism.

2 The gluconate ion is a natural biological support with high bioavailability (the FDA recommends this form to supply trace elements to the human body); pharmacokinetics have shown that gluconate solutions offer the highest degree of absorption.

3 The Olygolds are available in 50 ml packs with a calibrated dropper that can be easily used and dosed.

4 Olygolds are prepared in specialized laboratories that guarantee the most scrupulous good manufacturing standards; the product is intact without additives or preservatives that can remove purity from the solution, and does not undergo heat treatments or sterilization.

5 For a correct intake, it is recommended to pour 35-40 drops a day directly on the tongue and keep the solution in the mouth about a minute before swallowing. The solution can be diluted in a little water in case of administration to children.

6 The addition of Golden Elixir * (2%) enhances the dynamic energy of the Wine Alcohol, providing an absolute and inimitable qualitative characteristic, unique on the Italian market.

Wine alcohol *

The wine uses the dynamic energy of alcohol, burns the residues of fatigue and stimulates the nervous system; wine said Hippocrates, it is an excellent thing for man, both in health and in sickness. Plato himself considered wine as the most beautiful gift that the Gods had given to man. Between mythology and tradition there is the reason for the use of wine alcohol for spagyric preparations; in fact the alcohol used for the spagyric preparations is a detartarised (circulated) red wine alcohol. Paracelsus said that the de-tartaric wine alcohol "is a medicine to eliminate tartaric deposits from the organism". This alcohol is obtained through a double distillation process (double distilled), the first on purified salts of tartar and the second on a certain quantity of quicklime. The result will be a purified alcohol, sweeter and with a reduced degree of acidity. The detartarised alcohol has a low degree of aggressiveness compared to the classic alcohol and constitutes a better basis for keeping the gluconate salts in solution.

Golden Elixir *

Golden Elixir (Potable Gold) is the universal remedy of the ancient alchemists, according to whom it possessed the property of regenerating the organism by increasing longevity. Potable Gold is extracted from an "archeo" (dew, rainwater), purified and then processed to be transformed into a Universal Remedy; Potable Gold, also called "Potable Gold of the wise", according to the spagyric principles is the principle of fertility, multiplication and prosperity of the whole world.

Ingredients: Water, Glycerin, Alcohol, Acacia Honey, Acer campestris hydroglycerol extract, Zinc Gluconate, Copper Gluconate.

How to use : 30-40 drops per day perlingual, or diluted in a little water and taken before meals.

Format: 50ml bottle