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  • ForVit Mitoddy Food Supplement 500ml -3%

ForVit Mitoddy Food Supplement 500ml

45.50€ 46.91€
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Dietary supplement

In the state of Utha (USA), there is an extraordinary sedimentation of fossilized prehistoric plants, which have kept a range of very pure minerals and trace elements normally present in the human body in a biologically active form. Through a particular purified cold water extraction system, an aqueous vegetable suspension is obtained which is naturally rich in as many as 70 highly bio-assimilable minerals and trace elements. The ions of the metallic elements function as catalysts inside our body and influence the chemical reactions that take place in it, directing them in their own sense for the good biological functioning of the organism. As we know, the mineral elements can be classified into four categories:

The first category is that of structural elements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, and sulfur); these are required by our body in large quantities, up to several grams per day.

The second category is that of the minor mineral elements (iron, manganese, copper, zinc and silicon); they are extremely important even if required in small quantities, a few milligrams per day.

The third category consists of the trace elements or trace elements (iodine, selenium, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt and lithium); these are required by our organism in quantities of the order of hundreds of micrograms.

The fourth category of mineral elements is made up of what today are defined as ultra trace elements, which are recognized as present in the human body, but whose function is still unclear for many, even if their biological role is implicit ( boron, strontium, nickel, bromine, vanadium, germanium, etc.) and whose quantities required by the organism are assumed to be less than 0.1 ppm.