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  • FreeStyle Optium Neo Abbott -12%

FreeStyle Optium Neo Abbott

213.74€ 244.00€
  • Purchase 3 items for 209.47€ each
  • Purchase 4 items for 205.19€ each
  • Purchase 5 items for 200.92€ each
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FreeStyle Optium Neo Abbott - Blood glucose and ketonemi meter

Introducing the FreeStyle Optium Neo system, with a choice of support tools specially designed for people taking insulin.

Main features

  • Accurate blood glucose and blood ketone test ^ 1,2
  • Trend indicators highlight when your blood glucose patterns need attention
  • Insulin logging helps you keep track of your insulin doses
  • The crisp, clear screen is icon-driven and easy to read 1 even in direct sunlight
  • No chips or coding required
  • Quick test time of 5 seconds
  • A small blood sample required 0.6 µl
  • Individually wrapped strips in film protect from air and moisture, are convenient to store and carry 3
  • Compliant with current ISO 15197: 2013 1 system accuracy standards
  • Compatible with FreeStyle Auto-Assist Neo: download up to 1000 events and print or email reports.


Pack of 1 device.