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  • Product Code: 975996505
  • EAN: 0645760554099
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DS3/KILLCALORY, single-dose sachets based on purified opuntia extract, with the addition of essential oils, capable of limiting the body's absorption of fats taken with food. It is taken after a meal and acts selectively by binding the lipid components still present in the stomach; extremely useful as it can be taken in case of need, after a lunch that has proved too abundant to reduce its caloric intake, while promoting digestion at the same time; as well as in body weight control, it is also useful in cholesterol control, as taken regularly with each meal for a certain period of time, it reduces the amount of fat introduced into the body and therefore induces the consumption of accumulated reserves, favoring the reduction of tissues fat. The addition of specific essential oils aids digestion.

Opuntia fibre : it is a purified fiber obtained from the young leaves of Ficus Indica (prickly pear); it has an adsorbent action which is mainly carried out against lipids introduced with food (1 g of powder is able to absorb up to 11 g of olive oil, 13 g of butter, 22 g of mayonnaise): this allows you to reduce calories introduced with the meal. In the opuntia powder, two polysaccharide components have been highlighted to whose synergistic action its properties are due: Neomycel and Neofiber. The high affinity of the Neofiber-Neomicel complex towards lipids is partly justified by the high degree of esterification which contributes to significantly increase its hydrophobicity. Neofiber is a polymer which, at room temperature and at neutral pH, is insoluble in water. Its molecule, derived from the association of capillary cellulose with hemicellulose, is characterized by the presence of carboxyl groups esterified with methyl groups. Neofiber is able to establish strong hydrophobic interactions with the lipid component. Neomycel, on the other hand, represents a water-soluble fiber whose molecule, very complex and of a polysaccharide nature, is mainly made up of pectins, gums and mucilages. It is able to give rise to a fluid gel capable of destabilizing the primary hydrophobic interactions established between Neofiber and the lipid component. Neomycel can also bind to bile acids and consequently decrease the efficiency of dietary fat absorption.
Mint essential oil : promotes digestion, stimulating gastric emptying and relaxation of the muscles around the pylorus.
Fennel oe : promotes digestion, stimulating gastric motility and acid secretion.
Ginger : has a digestive, anti-nausea effect; improves blood flow to the stomach and promotes better efficiency of the organ in disposing of the load of the meal.

Corn Dextrin, Opuntia Ficus Indica Miller Cladodium, Potato Starch, MenthaPiperita L. Aetheroleum, Foeniculum Vulgaris Miller Aetheroleum, Zingiber Officinalisrhizoma es

Nutritional characteristics
50 mg
Average values for daily dose
Diopuntia fiber 2,000mg
Mint oe
Fennel oe 80mg
Ginger 20 mg

How to use
It is recommended to take 1 sachet after a meal.

Validity with intact packaging: 36 months.

Pack of 20 sticks.