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Levitaven 500 60 Tablets 500mg

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Levitaven is a useful aid against venous insufficiency.

Its effectiveness is the result of extensive research and our commitment to provide high quality help accessible to all.

Venous insufficiency. One cause for two ailments: hemorrhoids and heavy legs

Venous insufficiency is a circulation disorder that consists of a slow and difficult flow of blood from the extremities of the body to the heart. It can cause a variety of ailments, including hemorrhoids, heavy legs, water retention, lower limb edema, and cramps.

What unites this series of ailments is precisely the poor circulation for which the veins are dilated and the walls that cover them lose elasticity, to the point of wearing down the attached valves that pump the blood.

The result is that the blood stagnates in the lower parts until it causes that sensation of swelling and inflammation of the most vulnerable areas, such as hemorrhoids and lower limbs.


They are the vascular structures present in the anorectal plexus thanks to which we can control the emission of feces. If these structures become inflamed and congested, the pathology takes over, that is, the haemorrhoidal disease, commonly known as hemorrhoids. Common language, that is, mirrors that tendency to name things only when they hurt! The most common symptoms are a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the anal area. It occurs in the presence of constipation, whereby the excessive effort made to evacuate hard stools leads to the enlargement and dilation of the affected veins. Sometimes this problem can lead to bleeding and gradually worsen through 4 stages, up to external prolapse. Both men and women suffer from hemorrhoids, but women during pregnancy and after childbirth are more exposed because the hormonal structure changes and because the uterus, increasing in volume, presses on the intestine and therefore on the veins of the anorectal plexus . In this condition constipation can occur and consequently also hemorrhoids.

Heavy legs

They concern the legs as well as the ankles and feet. The most noticeable symptoms are the feeling of swelling, soreness and tingling. Such ailments often worsen at night, accompanied by cramps, itching and an uncomfortable sensation of heat. On an aesthetic level, blue blood vessels are often seen on the surface, a clear sign of venous stagnation. This problem worsens in spring and summer, due to the increase in temperature which favors the dilation of blood vessels. Even water retention and cellulite are problems strictly connected to the phenomenon of heavy legs and, in most cases, it concerns women.

Prevention and remedies

From the first, mild symptoms, it is advisable to ask the attending physician for advice, as primary and secondary prevention is the most effective cure for venous insufficiency. Lifestyle, diet, hormonal structure and familiarity considerably affect the onset of circulatory disorders. In particular, a sedentary lifestyle, working conditions that require you to sit or stand for many hours, are an important risk factor, so it is essential to orient your lifestyle according to some precautions:

Perform regular physical activity to keep the circulatory pump efficient. In particular, it is good to walk while wearing comfortable shoes and avoiding high heels

Eat a diet rich in fiber and water to avoid constipation and water retention. If you are familiar with the problem or in the presence of the problem it is good to avoid potentially irritating foods, such as spicy and very spicy foods, chocolate, shellfish, sausages and aged cheeses

Keep your body weight under control

Do not smoke or quit smoking

Avoid wearing clothing that is too tight and tight, which compresses the blood and lymphatic vessels

Avoid sudden changes in temperature that greatly stress the circulatory system

Effective prevention is completed with the introduction of food supplements of natural origin, which help keep the circulatory and lymphatic system efficient.

Format: Available in packs of 60 and 30 tablets