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  • Lipease Forte Farmitalia 20 Sachets -15%

Lipease Forte Farmitalia 20 Sachets

25.63€ 30.16€
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Lipease Forte Farmitalia - Food Integrator

Lipease Forte what it is for

How Lipease Forte works

Composition of Lipease Forte

How Lipease Forte is taken

Warnings and contraindications for the use of Lipease Forte

Proper storage of Lipease Forte


Lipease Forte what it is for

Lipease Forte is a supplement consisting of Palmitoylethanolamide 600 mg and Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg useful in subjects with disorders sustained by neuroinflammatory processes.
Lipease Forte is a granulate in sachets produced using patented G-MatrixLipidTM technology, which allows to obtain the modulated and gradual release of the active ingredients contained in the formulation, moreover thanks to the microencapsulation it confers a high tolerability profile.

How Lipease Forte works

The use of Lipease Forte, alone or in combination, in subjects with disorders sustained by neuro-inflammatory processes is able to minimize both pain and inflammation, thanks to the innovative pharmaceutical formulation, T-Matrix LipidTM, which allows an immediate release of Palmitoylethanolamide, the antalgic component of Lipease and a slow release of Alpha Lipoic Acid, an antiradical and anti-inflammatory component. This contributes to an optimal management of the symptomatological picture, improving the patient's quality of life.
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) is an endogenous compound implicated in the physiological mechanisms of protection implemented by the body in response to the most varied types of damage. This biological modulator with analgesic activity is able to counteract and interrupt the vicious circles responsible for the onset of chronic and neuropathic pain. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an endogenous antioxidant that has been shown to provide good neuroprotection, counteracting the damaging effect of oxidative stress and the synthesis of pro-inflammatory substances.

Composition of Lipease Forte

Sugar, Lipoic acid, Palmitoylethanolamide, Acidifier: citric acid; Flavors; Sweeteners: sucralose, neoesperidina; Anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide.

How Lipease Forte is taken

As a guideline, one / two sachets a day are enough, accompanied by a glass of water at room temperature drunk in small sips and that's it, unless otherwise advised by the doctor.

Warnings and contraindications for the use of Lipease Forte

To be consumed preferably by the expiration date, on the bottom of the package. The expiry date refers to the product correctly stored, in intact packaging. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Important warning: The product must be used under the supervision of a physician. The product is not suitable for use as the sole source of nutrition. Contains sugar and sweeteners.

Proper storage of Lipease Forte

The product must be stored in a cool and dry place away from sources of heat and humidity, store at room temperature (not higher than 25 ° C), avoid sunlight and contact with water; keep out of the reach of children.


Lipease Forte Food Supplement is sold in packs of 20 buccal sachets.

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