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  • Loacker Remedia Colikind 10g -17%

Loacker Remedia Colikind 10g

14.89€ 17.90€
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Loacker Remedia

Colikind 10g 800gl

gas colic in infants, abdominal spasms in children.

How to use:
acute states with severe pain: 5-7 globules every 15-30 minutes.
With the alleviation of symptoms and in maintenance therapy: thin the administration up to 5-7 globules 3 times a day. Administer the product before feedings.

carries out an action that regulates and facilitates digestion, has an antispasmodic effect on gastric and intestinal muscles, and an anticarminative effect, thus ensuring rapid improvement. If taken before meals, it prevents the onset of symptoms and facilitates food intake thanks to its calming and tranquilizing action.

china D3, tilia europaea D1, foeniculum, cuprum aceticum D4, chamomilla D1, argentumnitricum D5, momordica balsamina D2, lycopodium D3.