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  • Loacker Remedia Kindival 10g -27%

Loacker Remedia Kindival 10g

12.69€ 17.50€
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Kindival loacker remedia

Kindival what it is for

Dosage and method of use of Kindival

Kindival features

Warnings for Kindival

Components contained in kindival loacker remedia

Packaging and storage of kindival loacker remedia

Kindival what it is for

This product thanks to its components is able to give tranquility to children by making them sleep more peacefully.

Dosage and method of use of Kindival

It is recommended to use 5-7 globules 3 times a day dissolved in the mouth or in a little water. To promote sleep, a further dose can be given just before bedtime.

Kindival features

Homeopathic medicine with sedative action, specially designed for children, even the smallest. The five remedies present in this product exert a calming effect and help to overcome agitation and insomnia due to physical or psychological stress, after mental fatigue, or when the child presents a hyper-excitability towards visual or acoustic stimuli.

Warnings for Kindival

It is advisable to continue the treatment for at least 2 weeks. Administer the product between meals.

Components contained in kindival loacker remedia

Magnesium carbonicum DH10; cypripedium pubescens DH4; zincum valerianicum DH16; avenasative; chamomilla DH30.

Packaging and storage of kindival loacker remedia

The product is sold in vials of 10 ml ready to take, it is important to store the product in a cool place away from sources of heat and humidity, to keep absolutely out of the aportat of children.

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