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  • Melcalin Base 84 tablets -3%

Melcalin Base 84 tablets

14.10€ 14.54€
  • Brand: BIOTEKNA Srl
  • Product Code: 903925459
  • EAN:
  • Availability: In Stock
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Melcalin Base tablets

The metabolic processes that take place inside our body lead to continuous variations in pH in a continuous succession of supply-elimination of "acids" and "bases" that determine changes in the concentration of the hydrogen ion (H +) with consequent variation of the pH of the organism that has to cope with these variations and maintain the physiological pH (PH 7.38-7.44). The metabolism of carbohydrates and fats produces 15,000 mmol of CO2 per day (volatile or respiratory acidosis) while the protein metabolism leads to the formation of sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid (fixed acidosis) therefore, to maintain acid-base homeostasis, the body has some mechanisms capable of guaranteeing it:

Buffer systems:

Bicarbonate - carbonic acid

Monobasic - dibasic phosphate

Protein buffer system (Albumin)


(See Oxygen transport and heavy metal chelation: Melcalin O2) regulation systems at the renal level (fixed acidity control) on extracellular tissue pH and PRAL, GL, inflammation and stress: clinical evidence

Pulmonary regulation systems (volatile acidity control)

Melcalin® BASE is an alkaline supplement that provides the right amount of both phosphate ion and bicarbonate ion, the major constituents of buffer systems, associating the introduction of important minerals such as magnesium and potassium. The choice of a high sodium content in the form of sodium bicarbonate is due to the scientific documentation that demonstrates how the intake of sodium bicarbonate is associated with an increase in calcium ion retention. It has been shown that the intake of sodium bicarbonate is able to prevent the loss of calcium, essential for a good maintenance of bone homeostasis. In fact, calcium supplementation alone is not a winning strategy to counter the consequent destructuring of the bone mass consisting mainly of phosphates and carbonates, which in an acid environment are even more soluble, and calcium ions entering the circulation, therefore supplementation of the same can only lead to at an increased risk of stone formation. The best strategy is therefore implemented through a healthy lifestyle that includes movement, a correct and varied diet with negative PRAL (rich in fruit and vegetables) which can be accompanied by the use of the food supplement Melcalin® BASE which assists in the maintenance of 'acid-base balance of the organism favoring the right supply of essential buffer minerals for maintaining the physiological pH.

The effectiveness of the use of buffering substances is demonstrated by the scientific literature which has analyzed the benefits of these substances in various fields from sport to pathological conditions such as tumors. Sport: the intake of sodium bicarbonate has been shown to be beneficial, especially in terms of performance improvement, particularly in short-term and high-intensity work-intensity sports performances (boxing, swimming). The benefits can be found both with acute intake (half an hour before the activity) and with continuous use (better results compared to acute intake).
Gastrointestinal system: carbonates (also known as antacids) have been used for problems such as non-ulcer dyspepsia, minor episodes of heartburn (gastroesophageal, reflux disease), stress gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux, duodenal and gastric ulcers. Their effect on the stomach is due to the partial neutralization of gastric hydrochloric acid and inhibition of the proteolytic enzyme, pepsin.

Ingredients Baking soda; magnesium carbonate; calcium bisphosphate; calcium carbonate; potassium bicarbonate; microcrystalline cellulose; magnesium stearate; modified starch.

How to take Melcalin Base tablets

It is very simple to take, 3 tablets are enough, 3 times a day to be taken before meals accompanied with a glass of simple water at room temperature drunk in small sips.

Melcalin Base tablets is a lactose, sugar and gluten free product.

Do not take during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Do not exceed the maximum recommended dose.
Keep out of reach of children.
Not recommended for people with renal insufficiency.
Remember that supplements are not a substitute for a balanced diet.

Store in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight and sources of heat and humidity, keep out of reach of children.

Nutritional characteristics of Melcalin Base 84 tablets

Average values per 100 g for single tablet RDA%
for 9 tablets
Kcal 1.4 0.01
Football 4.6g 38 mg 42
Potassium 1.6 g 9mg 8
Magnesium 3.4 g 28 mg 83
Phosphorus 1.6 g 13 mg 14
Sodium 15.7 g 132 mg 79

The product is sold in packs of 84 tablets.