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  • Notakehl D5 Drops Sanum 10ml -17%

Notakehl D5 Drops Sanum 10ml

18.22€ 21.90€
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Notakehl D5 Drops Sanum Homeopathic Remedy

Notakehl D5 what it is for

When and how Notakehl is used

Composition of the product Notakehl

How is Notakehl used


Notakehl D5 what it is for

Notakehl is a homeopathic remedy, belonging to the range of isopathic and immunobiological medicines, indicated as antibacterial in case of infections of the respiratory and urogenital tract.

When and how Notakehl is used

It is particularly indicated in case of strepto and staphylococcal infectious states, at the urogenital level in case of urinary tract infections and prostate adenoma; it is also used in case of infections affecting the respiratory system such as bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis and lung diseases; moreover, the ointment is indicated in states of acne, Herpes Zoster, neuritis, sciatica, joint diseases and epicondylitis.

Composition of the product Notakehl

Penicillium Chrysogenum D5: natural antibacterial action as it is not an antibiotic and does not produce penicilloic acid, therefore it does not cause the typical side effects of the aforementioned treatment.

Penicillium chrysogenum D5, double distilled water.

How is Notakehl used

The recommended dosage of the product is as follows:

  • It is recommended to take 5-10 drops in a little water once a day before a meal.
  • As for the inhalations, it is recommended to take 10-20 drops 2-3 times a day by means of 10-20 deep inhalations.
  • 5-10 drops can also be used to rub locally on the affected part or inside the elbow once a day.


Notakehl D5 is sold in a 10ml dropper vial

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