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  • Phase Rem Food Supplement 50ml -5%

Phase Rem Food Supplement 50ml

13.20€ 13.90€
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Rem phase - Food Supplement

What is Phase Rem Supplement for?

This supplement is a sleep aid, taken in the evening before going to bed, it helps to fight the problems of insomnia.

What does it contain

Red Poppy, Melatonin and Vitamin B6 are some of the components that allow Phase Rem to exert an effective and functional action.

When it is useful

Problems with insomnia alter the quality and quantity of your sleep and have a big impact on your mood and energy level the next day. Problems with insomnia can affect the course of your day.

A satisfying rest is very useful for recharging energy and keeping us in good health. On the contrary, as evidenced by a study conducted by researchers at Leiden University Medical Center, sleeping little (also due to insomnia problems) is bad and can be the cause of the so-called metabolic syndrome that involves diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

But sleeping well is important not only to stay healthy: good sleep is also a real ally of beauty not only because it improves the facial features and the expression of general relaxation but also because it acts on body weight. This is why it is so important to beat insomnia problems

Phase Rem is the supplement for insomnia problems, which helps you solve the problems of insomnia and other sleep disorders, restoring to life not only the pleasure of a quiet night, but also of a more active and profitable day.

A well-rested body and mind ensure more productivity and help you enjoy the day to the full.

Recommended Dosage or Posology

We recommend 75 drops of Phase Rem Supplement to be placed directly in the mouth or dissolved in a little water.


Dietary supplements are not recommended as a substitute for meals and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. It is also advisable to store the product in a cool and dry place and make sure that the product is away from heat sources. If the product is not stored correctly, it is advisable not to take it and to contact your doctor or pharmacist for advice.


Phase Rem Food Supplement is sold in a 50ml package with dropper.