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  • Radarhealth Anti Harmful Animals Complete Home R-200 -3%

Radarhealth Anti Harmful Animals Complete Home R-200

58.37€ 60.18€
  • Brand: RADARCAN SL
  • Product Code: 973469238
  • EAN: 8421581502004
  • Availability: In 10 - 14 Days
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Anti Harmful Pets Complete Home


Can you imagine what it would be like to have a single device that fully protects your home against insects and rodents? Anti Harmful Animals Complete Home is a dream that comes true. Thanks to a combination of technologies, it offers a joint solution to each of the individual problems, while simultaneously fighting against mosquitoes, mice, cockroaches and ants.

How does it work? - Combination of Technologies

The Complete Home Anti Harmful Animals combines all the technologies to combat each of the specific problems:

  • INSonuerit 1.0 to fight against mosquitoes: Based on the emission of a specific ultrasound frequency to counteract the presence of mosquitoes
  • INSonuerit 3.0 to fight against mice and cockroaches: Based on the emission of a specific ultrasound frequency to counteract the presence of mice and cockroaches. In the case of mice, this emission makes it impossible for them to remain in the covered area due to their superior hearing ability. In the case of cockroaches, ultrasounds perturb the entire peripheral sensory system of cockroaches, causing them to move away from the area.The ultrasounds used in INSonuerit 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 technologies, which are emitted in every direction, bouncing off rigid materials, they disturb the entire peripheral sensory system of the insect and the rodent, moving them away from the coverage area. Ultrasounds are imperceptible to people's hearing and, therefore, the device acts silently without causing any discomfort around it, nor sounds or smells.
  • MAGNETICAE to fight against ants To understand the functioning of MAGNETICAE technology it is necessary to know that any electric cable inside a building generates a constant electromagnetic field in its vicinity. The ants use these magnetic fields as an orientation system and therefore the MAGNETICAE technology, which works by altering these magnetic fields, manages to disorient them and make them leave the house fleeing towards a safer place, which allows them to find their bearings.

Why choose Radarcan ® Complete House Anti Harmful Animals

The Complete Home Anti-Harmful Animals is the ideal solution to keep your home protected 24/24 h. In addition to combining all these technologies in a single device, the device does not use chemicals or toxic products and works in the safest, most hygienic and silent way possible, just plug it in. Designed to protect your whole family, it does not require spare parts, and is also produced in Spain according to strict quality standards. More practical and ecological it is impossible!

How to use? - Leave it plugged in as a preventative measure

The Complete House Anti Harmful Animals has been designed to be used indoors. Since it does not give off gilds or toxic substances, it is ideal for placing in sensitive areas such as pantries and kitchens. For proper operation, it is important that the front of the device is not covered by obstacles. Ideally, it should be placed between 0.7 and 2m (for fighting flying animals) above the ground or close to the ground (for fighting walking animals). It must not be used in combination with poisons, as the latter products work as bait (opposite effect to that of Radarcan®). It is possible that more cockroaches or ants will be seen during the first few days, which means that they are running away; it can take up to 3 weeks for the parasites to be completely eliminated. Ideally, the Complete House Anti Pests should be connected 24/24 h as a preventive measure, even after clearing the infestation, to ensure that pests do not return in the future. If there is a rodent in the house as a pet, it must be in the same room where the device is placed.

Technical features

  • Internal / External: Internal
  • Maximum coverage 25m2 (Mosquito, flies, rodents and cockroaches) | 125 m2 (Ants)
  • Home use
  • Power supply 100/240 V AC

Model SC-200