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  • Restax Wikenfarma Woman Lotion 100ml -15%

Restax Wikenfarma Woman Lotion 100ml

38.48€ 45.26€
  • Brand: WIKENFARMA Srl
  • Product Code: 981123831
  • EAN:
  • Availability: In Stock
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Restax Lotion Woman Wikenfarma Fortifying Hair

The Wikenfarma research has shown that compositions including an association of natural active ingredients, can be particularly effective in the topical treatment of baldness, in particular androgenetic alopecia with a male pattern and alopecia, so called androgenetic, with a female pattern.

Considering the pathogenetic factors of these pathologies, Wikenfarma has created RESTAX Woman lotion for topical use, with the following biological and plant components that have demonstrated antiandrogenic, estrogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.

The composition of Restax Lotion Donna is

  • Transcutol
  • Sphinganine
  • Hops 33%
  • Chaste tree 66%
  • Ribes nigrum


Organic compound with the formula CH₃CH₂OCH₂CH₂OCH₂CH₂OH. It is a carrier belonging to the category of glycols. It is a colorless liquid. In topical (local) use it increases the penetration of the active ingredients making them more effective. For this reason it is often formulated as an adjuvant / synergist in masterful preparations in order to obtain products that are as active as possible. Like all glycols, it also has a co-solvent function, that is, it facilitates the solubilization of the active ingredients, and an anti-evaporation function, keeping the concentrations of the ingredients in the product constant over time.


Natural sphingolipid of the skin of fundamental importance for its biological functions. It prevents hair loss by rebalancing its life cycle, strengthening the hair follicle and improving the health of the scalp.

  • Balances the natural hair cycle and promotes the Anagen phase
  • Improves the quality of the scalp and hair
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Improves scalp health by equalizing skin microflora
  • Provides building blocks such as proteins and ceramides
  • Improves the renewal capacity of the scalp
  • It balances the life cycle of the hair by inhibiting the 5 alpha reductase.


It is a natural progestin that physiologically reacts on the activity of adenylcyclase and reduces the Telogen phase by naturally activating the P450AR Aromatase.

Agnocastus (Vitex agnus-castus L.): increases and modulates progesterone levels and influences the estrogen / progesterone ratio in favor of progesterone with an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone through 5alpha reductase. Agnuside, which represents the reference substance for evaluating the quality of the extract.


It is a phytoestrogen that physiologically increases estrone levels by activating the Anagen phase.

Hops contain, among its various constituents, hopina, a natural substance that is considered to be the most potent plant estrogen known today. The discovery and characterization of this molecule are quite recent and have been studied in detail by researchers from the University of Ghent (Belgium), in collaboration with King's College London, who managed to isolate the substance, define it chemically (8- prenylnaringenin) and test it with respect to functionality on human physiology. Hopein has been shown to be about 100 times more active than genistein or daidzein, pharmacological preparations having the same functions on the female organism, also thanks to its high bioavailability, i.e. the property of a molecule to be absorbed, metabolized and, therefore not dispersed from the body. It is a phytoestrogen that physiologically increases estrone levels by activating the Anagen phase


It is a natural anti-inflammatory as it physiologically blocks the synthesis of local inflammatory cytokines involved in the final loss of the follicle.

In conclusion, the Restax woman lotion has an effective formulation for the physiological reduction of hair loss and in the natural improvement of the diameter, in patients with Telogen effluvium and mild-moderate Androgenetic Alopecia.


100ml PVC bottle with long spray nozzle.