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  • RNE Biofarma Cistysol Complex Food Supplement 15 + 15 Sachets -15%

RNE Biofarma Cistysol Complex Food Supplement 15 + 15 Sachets

24.57€ 28.91€
  • Product Code: 921668455
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RNE Biofarma

Cistysol Complex

Dietary supplement

Packaging : 15 sachets A + 15 sachets B
Recommended dosage: In the acute phase, also as a supplement to antibiotic therapy, take 1 sachet A (probiotic) in the morning and 1 sachet B (acidifier) in the evening for 15 days of treatment.
In the prophylaxis of relapsing urinary infections, take 1 sachet A (probiotic) in the morning and 1 sachet B (acidifier) in the evening for 15 days of treatment
to be repeated cyclically.

Product based on Lactobacillus acidophilus (Sachet A) and Cranberry (Cranberry), L-methionine, Bromelain 2500 GDU, Vitamin C, D-Mannose (Sachet B), which can be a valid natural approach to promote the physiological functions of male and female urinary tract.


Cranberry (Vacciunum macrocarpon)
The Cranberry or Cranberry is a small shrub belonging to the Ericaceae family native to North America and Canada, also present in Europe. The fruit is mainly made up of water and various organic components: flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, Vitamin C and organic acids (malic, quinic and hippuric).
Several clinical studies support the use of cranberry as a preventive agent and as an alternative method to antibiotic prophylaxis for the treatment of urinary tract infections, particularly in subjects predisposed to recurrent bladder infections, both occasional and relapsing or chronic.

Its beneficial effects are attributed to the acidification of the urine which is obtained thanks to its high content of organic acids, but more recent studies have highlighted in particular that the type A proanthocyanidins, contained in the cranberry, decrease the adhesion forces between the bacterium and the walls of the urinary tract by altering the conformation of the adhesins, the protein structures located at the ends of the fimbriae or pili, which under normal conditions allow uropathogenic strains to adhere to the membranes of uroepithelial cells, colonize and subsequently give rise to the infectious process . This non-stick action of Cranberry therefore favors the physiological elimination of bacterial populations and can help counteract the colonization of the urinary tract by potentially pathogenic agents.

It is part of the essential amino acids and as such is an important constituent of the human organism. The most important natural sources of L-Methionine (L-Met) are meat, milk, fish, eggs and soy proteins. L-Met is the only essential amino acid that contains sulfur in its formula and this constitutive characteristic makes it an important acidifier for the body. The presence of sulfur also allows to capture, together with the other sulfur amino acids, heavy metals, which are highly toxic to the body and to carry out an antioxidant action, limiting the damage caused by free radicals.

L-Met mainly participates in the synthesis of proteins and takes part in a series of metabolic reactions including the formation of L-cysteine and cystine, the other two sulfur amino acids. The availability of L-Met as a sulfur donor is in fact the necessary condition for the biosynthesis of cysteine whose -SH group is oxidized to sulphate in the liver and is eliminated by the kidneys; at the same time as the sulphate, protons appear in the lumen of the tubules, and it is this physiological process that underlies the acidification of the urine carried out by L-Met, essential for decreasing the adhesion and colonization of pathogenic bacteria to the urothelium cells and counteract the onset of urinary tract infections. The use of L-Met is therefore indicated as prevention in subjects predisposed to recurrent urinary infections. L-Met assists the action of Vitamin C in maintaining the physiological functions of the urinary tract and the acid pH of the urine.

Bromelain 2500 GDU
It is a glycoprotein proteolytic enzyme present in the fruit, but in higher concentrations in the stem of the Pineapple from which it is extracted (Ananas Sativus - Family of Bromeliaceae, hence the name). Bromelain has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, digestive action, an ability to enhance the action of antibiotics and drugs. At the level of the inflamed tissue it reduces vasodilation, capillary permeability, leukocyte migration and local pain, inhibiting the thromboxane synthetase enzyme which converts prostaglandins H2 into proinflammatory prostaglandins and thromboxanes thus increasing the production of prostaglandins with anti-inflammatory activity at the expense of those with pro-inflammatory activity. Hence the safety of the use of bromelain compared to NSAIDs which instead inhibit cyclooxygenase, blocking the synthesis of prostaglandins and also causing gastrointestinal damage. It is therefore particularly effective in the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the soft tissues associated with trauma, in localized inflammations especially in the presence of edema, and in postoperative tissue reactions. It is useful in contributing to the normal functioning of the immune system and therefore, in preventing the onset of disorders associated with infections of the uro-genital tract.

Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)
It is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential in humans as it lacks the enzyme L-glucono-gamma-lactone oxidase, the last enzyme in the biosynthetic chain that leads to the formation of ascorbic acid from glucose. Vitamin C has a high antioxidant capacity and exerts a synergistic action in association with other antioxidants such as eg. Vitamin E. Thanks to its high acidifying power, Vitamin C also carries out an anti-infective action and is useful for maintaining the physiological functions of the urinary tract, disadvantaging the adhesion and consequently the proliferation of uropathogenic bacteria to the epithelial cells of the urinary tract. This allows you to prevent infections and / or to assist with any antibiotic treatment prescribed for people with urinary tract infections. Vitamin C also exerts an immunostimulating action and as such is an excellent remedy in cases of infection.

Monosaccharide that attaches to bacterial fimbriae, significantly reducing microbial adhesion to the bladder mucosa.

Lactobacillus acidophilus
These probiotics are useful for keeping the intestines in good condition, preventing harmful bacteria from contaminating the lower urinary tract. The vitality of these probiotics, which is crucial for their effectiveness, is preserved through a special packaging in a protected atmosphere (nitrogen) which guarantees correct storage, integrity and concentration up to the expiration date.

Thanks to the synergistic action of the active ingredients contained therein, Cistysol Complex in Urology and Gynecology:

  • It carries out an energetic acidifying action of the urine
  • It has a bacterial anti-adhesive action on the urogenital epithelium
  • It has a specific antioxidant action to counteract the presence of free radicals and the degradation products of bacterial toxins produced in the event of infections
  • It carries out a probiotic colonization activity of the intestinal bacterial flora
  • It can be a valid support for antibiotic therapy in case of urinary infections.