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  • Sicurlat Milte Italy 1 Piece -5%

Sicurlat Milte Italy 1 Piece

42.75€ 45.00€
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Sicurlat Milte Italia Sterilizable Milk Thermometer

Thermometer to check that the reconstitution temperature of the artificial milk is between 70/73 ° C

In case of lack or lack of breast milk, the ideal food for the infant, we recommend the use of infant formula. For a correct and healthy reconstitution of the same milk, the WHO (World Health Organization) and the Ministry of Health recommend using water at a temperature of 70/73 ° C, in order to avoid contamination of the reconstituted milk due to bacteria. , including the well-known Enterobacter Sakazakii. The reconstitution temperatures must be between 70 ° C and 73 ° C, as if they were higher than these values it could damage the content of important nutritional elements of the milk powder, while if they were lower there would be the danger of contamination. bacterial.

The Sicurlat Milte Sterilizable Thermometer allows you to accurately and correctly follow the recommendations of the WHO and the Ministry of Health, thanks also to its characteristics

  • Simple to use;
  • Accurate;
  • Washable;
  • Cold sterilizable, by immersion in liquid;
  • Equipped with universal cap, for insertion into any bottle;
  • It can also be used for the preparation of other foods.

Recommendations for use

First place the Thermometer in the bottle to check the water temperature and then, after inserting the powdered milk and shaking the bottle, to check the correct temperature of the milk. The insertion of the thermometer is facilitated by the universal cap, which allows it to be inserted into any type of bottle.


A thermometer.